Christopher Knopf

Christopher Knopf (December 20, 1927 – February 13, 2019) was an American screenwriter and union executive. He served as the president of the Writers Guild of America West (WGAW) and the International Affiliation of Writers Guilds (IAWG). He won two awards from the WGAW: the Morgan Cox Award in 1991 and the Edmund H. North Award in 2002.[

Name Christopher Knopf
Age 96 years 6 month 3 days old
Born Place New York City, New York, USA
Birthday 1927-12-20
Death 2019-02-13

Christopher Knopf - FAQ

1. Christopher Knopf Age in 2024 ?

Christopher Knopf Age in 2024 is 96 years 6 month 3 days old

2. What was the birthday of Christopher Knopf ?

Birthday of Christopher Knopf was 1927-12-20

3. What was the gender of Christopher Knopf ?

Gender of Christopher Knopf was Male

4. When Christopher Knopf was Died ?

Christopher Knopf was died on 2019-02-13

5. Where Christopher Knopf was born?

Christopher Knopf was born in New York City, New York, USA

Christopher Knopf Photo

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