Trini López

Trinidad "Trini" López III (May 13, 1937 - August 11, 2020) was an American singer, guitarist, and actor.

Name Trini López
Age 87 years 1 month 11 days old
Born Place Dallas, Texas, USA
Birthday 1937-05-15
Death 2020-08-11

Trini López - FAQ

1. Trini López Age in 2024 ?

Trini López Age in 2024 is 87 years 1 month 11 days old

2. What was the birthday of Trini López ?

Birthday of Trini López was 1937-05-15

3. What was the gender of Trini López ?

Gender of Trini López was Male

4. When Trini López was Died ?

Trini López was died on 2020-08-11

5. What was nick name of Trini López ?

Nick name of Trini López was Trini Lopez,Trinidad "Trini" López III

6. Where Trini López was born?

Trini López was born in Dallas, Texas, USA

Trini López Photo

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