Miguel Mihura

Miguel Mihura Santos (Madrid, July 21, 1905-Madrid, October 28, 1977) was a Spanish playwright, cartoonist and journalist.

Mihura was also the screenwriter of more than twenty-five films, including Bienvenido Mr. Marshall, directed by Luis García Berlanga in 1952.

Name Miguel Mihura
Age 118 years 10 month 28 days old
Born Place Madrid, Madrid, España
Birthday 1905-07-21
Death 1977-10-28

Miguel Mihura - FAQ

1. Miguel Mihura Age in 2024 ?

Miguel Mihura Age in 2024 is 118 years 10 month 28 days old

2. What was the birthday of Miguel Mihura ?

Birthday of Miguel Mihura was 1905-07-21

3. What was the gender of Miguel Mihura ?

Gender of Miguel Mihura was Male

4. When Miguel Mihura was Died ?

Miguel Mihura was died on 1977-10-28

5. What was nick name of Miguel Mihura ?

Nick name of Miguel Mihura was Miguel Mihura Santos

6. Where Miguel Mihura was born?

Miguel Mihura was born in Madrid, Madrid, España

Miguel Mihura Photo

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