Kumiko Okae

Kumiko Okae (岡江 久美子, Okae Kumiko, 23 August 1956 – 23 April 2020) was a Japanese actress, talent and moderator. She was born in Setagaya, Tokyo. At the time of her death she was affiliated with Staff-up. Her real name was Kumiko Ōwada (大和田 久美子, Ōwada Kumiko). Her husband is actor Baku Ohwada (大和田 獏), and her daughter is actress and talent Miho Ohwada (大和田 美帆). Her brother-in-law is actor Shinya Ohwada (大和田 美智子).

Name Kumiko Okae
Age 67 years 9 month 26 days old
Born Place Setagaya City, Tokyo, Japan
Birthday 1956-08-23
Death 2020-04-23

Kumiko Okae - FAQ

1. Kumiko Okae Age in 2024 ?

Kumiko Okae Age in 2024 is 67 years 9 month 26 days old

2. What was the birthday of Kumiko Okae ?

Birthday of Kumiko Okae was 1956-08-23

3. What was the gender of Kumiko Okae ?

Gender of Kumiko Okae was Female

4. When Kumiko Okae was Died ?

Kumiko Okae was died on 2020-04-23

5. What was nick name of Kumiko Okae ?

Nick name of Kumiko Okae was 岡江久美子,おかえ くみこ

6. Where Kumiko Okae was born?

Kumiko Okae was born in Setagaya City, Tokyo, Japan

Kumiko Okae Photo

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