John C. McGinley

John C. McGinley is an American actor, writer, and producer. He was born on August 3, 1959, in New York City, New York. McGinley is widely recognized for his versatile performances in both film and television, often portraying intense and memorable characters.

One of McGinley's most notable roles is as Dr. Perry Cox in the television series "Scrubs," which aired from 2001 to 2010. His portrayal of the acerbic yet compassionate doctor earned critical acclaim and a dedicated fan following. McGinley's performance in "Scrubs" showcased his ability to seamlessly transition between comedic and dramatic moments, making the character one of the show's highlights.

Prior to "Scrubs," McGinley appeared in a variety of films, including "Platoon" (1986), directed by Oliver Stone, where he portrayed Sergeant Red O'Neill. He has worked with Stone on multiple occasions, including in films like "Born on the Fourth of July" (1989) and "Wall Street" (1987). McGinley's roles in these films showcased his range and versatility as an actor.

He has also appeared in other notable films such as "Office Space" (1999), "Any Given Sunday" (1999), "Identity" (2003), and "Se7en" (1995), among others. McGinley's performances often leave a lasting impression, and he has been praised for his ability to bring complexity and depth to his characters.

In addition to his work in film and television, John C. McGinley has also made appearances in theater productions. He has performed on Broadway in plays such as "Requiem for a Heavyweight" and "Glengarry Glen Ross."

Beyond acting, McGinley has taken on roles as a producer and writer. He co-wrote and produced the film "Colin Fitz Lives!" (1997) and served as an executive producer on "Scrubs."

Name John C. McGinley
Age 64 years 9 month 16 days old
Net Worth 10 million
Height 1.88 meter
Born Place New York City, New York, USA
Nationality US
Birthday 1959-08-03

John C. McGinley - FAQ

1. John C. McGinley Age in 2024 ?

John C. McGinley Age in 2024 is 64 years 9 month 16 days old

2. What is the birthday of John C. McGinley ?

Birthday of John C. McGinley is 1959-08-03

3. what is the net worth of John C. McGinley in 2024 ?

John C. McGinley net worth in 2024 is 10 million

4. what is the height of John C. McGinley ?

John C. McGinley height is 1.88 meter

5. what is the nationality of John C. McGinley ?

John C. McGinley nationality is US

6. What is the John C. McGinley occupation ?

John C. McGinley occupation is actor , film_producer , comedian , author , voice_actor , entrepreneur , screenwriter , spokesperson

7. What is the gender of John C. McGinley ?

Gender of John C. McGinley is Male

8. What is nick name of John C. McGinley ?

Nick name of John C. McGinley is John McGinley,Джон К. Макгинли

9. Where John C. McGinley was born?

John C. McGinley was born in New York City, New York, USA

John C. McGinley Photo

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