Oleg Efremov

Name Oleg Efremov
Age 96 years 8 month 25 days old
Born Place Moscow, RSFSR, USSR [now Russia]
Birthday 1927-10-01
Death 2000-05-24

Oleg Efremov - FAQ

1. Oleg Efremov Age in 2024 ?

Oleg Efremov Age in 2024 is 96 years 8 month 25 days old

2. What was the birthday of Oleg Efremov ?

Birthday of Oleg Efremov was 1927-10-01

3. What was the gender of Oleg Efremov ?

Gender of Oleg Efremov was Male

4. When Oleg Efremov was Died ?

Oleg Efremov was died on 2000-05-24

5. What was nick name of Oleg Efremov ?

Nick name of Oleg Efremov was Oleg Efremov,Олег Ефремов,Олег Николаевич Ефремов,Oleg Nikolajevitch Efremov,Oleg Jefremow,O. Yefremov

6. Where Oleg Efremov was born?

Oleg Efremov was born in Moscow, RSFSR, USSR [now Russia]

Oleg Efremov Photo

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