Donald Buka

He began his career in the Broadway stage performance of "The Taming of the Shrew" (1940). Going on to feature films, he made his debut playing the role as Bette Davis' son in "Watch on the Rhine" (1943). His other notable film credits included "The Bourgeois Gentleman" (1945), "The Street with No Name" (1948), "Vendetta" (1950), "New Mexico" (1951) "Stolen Identity" (1953) and "Operation Eichmann" (1961). He also had a successful career in television appearing in episodes of "Dragnet", "Zane Grey Theater", "Lawman", "77 Sunset Strip", "Perry Mason", "Ironside" and "The High Chaparral".

Name Donald Buka
Age 102 years 10 month 7 days old
Born Place Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Birthday 1921-08-17
Death 2009-07-21

Donald Buka - FAQ

1. Donald Buka Age in 2024 ?

Donald Buka Age in 2024 is 102 years 10 month 7 days old

2. What was the birthday of Donald Buka ?

Birthday of Donald Buka was 1921-08-17

3. What was the gender of Donald Buka ?

Gender of Donald Buka was Male

4. When Donald Buka was Died ?

Donald Buka was died on 2009-07-21

5. Where Donald Buka was born?

Donald Buka was born in Cleveland, Ohio, USA

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