Terry Nation

Terry Nation was a British television writer. He is perhaps most well-known for his contributions to the original 'Doctor Who' TV series, for which he created the 'Daleks', who would later become the Doctor's arch nemesis and are a recurring threat in the show until this day. His other works include scripts for the TV series' 'The Avengers' and 'MacGyver'.

Name Terry Nation
Age 93 years 10 month 18 days old
Born Place Cardiff, Wales, UK
Birthday 1930-08-08
Death 1997-03-09

Terry Nation - FAQ

1. Terry Nation Age in 2024 ?

Terry Nation Age in 2024 is 93 years 10 month 18 days old

2. What was the birthday of Terry Nation ?

Birthday of Terry Nation was 1930-08-08

3. What was the gender of Terry Nation ?

Gender of Terry Nation was Male

4. When Terry Nation was Died ?

Terry Nation was died on 1997-03-09

5. Where Terry Nation was born?

Terry Nation was born in Cardiff, Wales, UK

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