Robert Iler

Robert Michael Iler (born March 2, 1985) is an American actor, known for his portrayal of A.J. Soprano on The Sopranos. His film roles include Tadpole (2002), and Daredevil (2003).

Name Robert Iler
Age 39 years 3 month 0 days old
Net Worth 10 million
Height 1.66 meter
Born Place New York City, New York, USA
Nationality US
Birthday 1985-03-02

Robert Iler - FAQ

1. Robert Iler Age in 2024 ?

Robert Iler Age in 2024 is 39 years 3 month 0 days old

2. What is the birthday of Robert Iler ?

Birthday of Robert Iler is 1985-03-02

3. what is the net worth of Robert Iler in 2024 ?

Robert Iler net worth in 2024 is 10 million

4. what is the height of Robert Iler ?

Robert Iler height is 1.66 meter

5. what is the nationality of Robert Iler ?

Robert Iler nationality is US

6. What is the Robert Iler occupation ?

Robert Iler occupation is actor

7. What is the gender of Robert Iler ?

Gender of Robert Iler is Male

8. What is nick name of Robert Iler ?

Nick name of Robert Iler is Роберт Айлер,Robert Michael Iler,羅伯特·伊萊爾

9. Where Robert Iler was born?

Robert Iler was born in New York City, New York, USA

Robert Iler Photo

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