Niezam Zaidi

Mohd Niezam bin Mohd Zaidi, born October 26, 1992 is a Malaysian male actor. He is best known for his feature film work, mostly published by Metrowealth Pictures.

Name Niezam Zaidi
Age 31 years 8 month 0 days old
Birthday 1992-10-26

Niezam Zaidi - FAQ

1. Niezam Zaidi Age in 2024 ?

Niezam Zaidi Age in 2024 is 31 years 8 month 0 days old

2. What is the birthday of Niezam Zaidi ?

Birthday of Niezam Zaidi is 1992-10-26

3. What is the gender of Niezam Zaidi ?

Gender of Niezam Zaidi is Male

4. What is nick name of Niezam Zaidi ?

Nick name of Niezam Zaidi is Nizam Zaidi

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