J.T. Walsh

James Thomas Patrick "J. T." Walsh, born in San Francisco, California on September 28, 1943, was a highly talented American actor. He had a successful career in film, television, and theater, known for his versatility and ability to play a wide range of characters.

Before becoming an actor, Walsh worked as a stagehand and set builder. He made his on-screen debut in the early 1980s and quickly gained recognition for his convincing performances, often portraying authority figures or antagonists.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Walsh's career took off with notable roles in films like "Good Morning, Vietnam" (1987), "A Few Good Men" (1992), and "Sling Blade" (1996). He had a commanding and intense presence on screen, making him memorable in both lead and supporting roles. Walsh was known for his roles as "quietly sinister white-collar sleazeballs" (quote from Leonard Maltin) in numerous feature films and was described as "everybody's favourite scumbag" by Playboy magazine.

Walsh was known for his dedication to authenticity and his meticulous approach to acting. He seamlessly transitioned between genres, showcasing his talent in drama, comedy, and suspense, earning him respect as a character actor.

Sadly, J.T. Walsh's career was cut short when he passed away on February 27, 1998, at the age of 54. Despite his relatively short time in the spotlight, he left a lasting legacy, remembered for his memorable performances and the depth he brought to each character he portrayed.

Name J.T. Walsh
Age 80 years 7 month 21 days old
Born Place San Francisco, California, USA
Birthday 1943-09-28
Death 1998-02-27

J.T. Walsh - FAQ

1. J.T. Walsh Age in 2024 ?

J.T. Walsh Age in 2024 is 80 years 7 month 21 days old

2. What was the birthday of J.T. Walsh ?

Birthday of J.T. Walsh was 1943-09-28

3. What was the gender of J.T. Walsh ?

Gender of J.T. Walsh was Male

4. When J.T. Walsh was Died ?

J.T. Walsh was died on 1998-02-27

5. What was nick name of J.T. Walsh ?

Nick name of J.T. Walsh was J. T. Walsh,James Patrick Walsh,James Thomas Patrick Walsh,James Thomas Patrick "J. T." Walsh

6. Where J.T. Walsh was born?

J.T. Walsh was born in San Francisco, California, USA

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