Pablo Escobar

Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria was a Colombian drug lord, narcoterrorist, and politician who founded and was the sole leader of the Medellín Cartel.

Name Pablo Escobar
Age 74 years 6 month 29 days old
Net Worth 30000 million
Height 1.66 meter
Born Place Rionegro, Colombia
Nationality CO
Birthday 1949-12-01
Death 1993-12-02

Pablo Escobar - FAQ

1. Pablo Escobar Age in 2024 ?

Pablo Escobar Age in 2024 is 74 years 6 month 29 days old

2. What was the birthday of Pablo Escobar ?

Birthday of Pablo Escobar was 1949-12-01

3. what was the net worth of Pablo Escobar in 2024 ?

Pablo Escobar net worth in 2024 is 30000 million

4. what was the height of Pablo Escobar ?

Pablo Escobar height was 1.66 meter

5. what was the nationality of Pablo Escobar ?

Pablo Escobar nationality was CO

6. What was the Pablo Escobar occupation ?

Pablo Escobar occupation was drug_lord

7. What was the gender of Pablo Escobar ?

Gender of Pablo Escobar was Male

8. When Pablo Escobar was Died ?

Pablo Escobar was died on 1993-12-02

9. What was nick name of Pablo Escobar ?

Nick name of Pablo Escobar was Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria

10. Where Pablo Escobar was born?

Pablo Escobar was born in Rionegro, Colombia

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