Kim Min-ki

Kim Min Gi is a South Korean actor managed by HM Entertainment, he debuted in the 2020 'The Temperature Of Language: Our Nineteen' as a guest role. He is best known for his role of Lim Joo-young in 'True Beauty' and Jung In-sol in 'Racket Boys'. He went to Daeryong Middle School and Gangwon High School.

Name Kim Min-ki
Age 21 years 7 month 6 days old
Born Place South Korea
Birthday 2002-11-22

Kim Min-ki - FAQ

1. Kim Min-ki Age in 2024 ?

Kim Min-ki Age in 2024 is 21 years 7 month 6 days old

2. What is the birthday of Kim Min-ki ?

Birthday of Kim Min-ki is 2002-11-22

3. What is the gender of Kim Min-ki ?

Gender of Kim Min-ki is Male

4. What is nick name of Kim Min-ki ?

Nick name of Kim Min-ki is 김민기,Kim Min-gi,金珉基

5. Where Kim Min-ki was born?

Kim Min-ki was born in South Korea

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