Enzo Fiermonte

Enzo Fiermonte was an actor and writer. Died on March 22, 1993 (age 84) in Mentana, Lazio, Italy

Name Enzo Fiermonte
Age 115 years 11 month 13 days old
Born Place Bari, Puglia, Italy
Birthday 1908-07-17
Death 1993-03-22

Enzo Fiermonte - FAQ

1. Enzo Fiermonte Age in 2024 ?

Enzo Fiermonte Age in 2024 is 115 years 11 month 13 days old

2. What was the birthday of Enzo Fiermonte ?

Birthday of Enzo Fiermonte was 1908-07-17

3. What was the gender of Enzo Fiermonte ?

Gender of Enzo Fiermonte was Male

4. When Enzo Fiermonte was Died ?

Enzo Fiermonte was died on 1993-03-22

5. What was nick name of Enzo Fiermonte ?

Nick name of Enzo Fiermonte was William Bird,Vincenzo Fiermonte,William Stockridge,Glenn Foster,Enzo Fiermann

6. Where Enzo Fiermonte was born?

Enzo Fiermonte was born in Bari, Puglia, Italy

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