Sorrell Booke

Sorrell Booke was born in Buffalo, New York in 1930, the son of a local physician. He found his calling early in life, like most actors, when his family encouraged him to entertain relatives by doing impressions and telling jokes. He went on to study at Yale and Columbia University, and mastered five languages. During the Korean War, Booke worked in counter-intelligence where his lingual talents served him well. His intelligence and subtlety are often overlooked when considering his signature role as Jefferson Davis "Boss" Hogg during his run on The Dukes of Hazzard (1979). He died of cancer in 1994 just after his 64th birthday.

Name Sorrell Booke
Age 94 years 5 month 19 days old
Net Worth 0.5 million
Born Place Buffalo, New York, USA
Nationality US
Birthday 1930-01-04
Death 1994-02-11

Sorrell Booke - FAQ

1. Sorrell Booke Age in 2024 ?

Sorrell Booke Age in 2024 is 94 years 5 month 19 days old

2. What was the birthday of Sorrell Booke ?

Birthday of Sorrell Booke was 1930-01-04

3. what was the net worth of Sorrell Booke in 2024 ?

Sorrell Booke net worth in 2024 is 0.5 million

4. what was the nationality of Sorrell Booke ?

Sorrell Booke nationality was US

5. What was the Sorrell Booke occupation ?

Sorrell Booke occupation was actor

6. What was the gender of Sorrell Booke ?

Gender of Sorrell Booke was Male

7. When Sorrell Booke was Died ?

Sorrell Booke was died on 1994-02-11

8. What was nick name of Sorrell Booke ?

Nick name of Sorrell Booke was Sorrel Brooke,Sorrell Brooke

9. Where Sorrell Booke was born?

Sorrell Booke was born in Buffalo, New York, USA

Sorrell Booke Photo

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