David Koepp

David Koepp  (born June 9, 1963) is an American screenwriter and director. He has written or co-written the screenplays for more than thirty films, including Apartment Zero, Bad Influence, Death Becomes Her, Carlito’s Way, Jurassic Park, The Paper, Mission: Impossible, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Snake Eyes, Panic Room, Spider-Man, War of the Worlds, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Angels & Demons, Inferno, and Kimi. As a director, his work includes the films The Trigger Effect, Stir of Echoes, Secret Window, Ghost Town, Premium Rush, and You Should Have Left. He was born in Pewaukee, Wisconsin and graduated from UCLA’s film school in 1986. He lives in New York City with his wife and children.

Name David Koepp
Age 61 years 0 month 21 days old
Net Worth 35 million
Height 1.91 meter
Born Place Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Nationality US
Birthday 1963-06-09

David Koepp - FAQ

1. David Koepp Age in 2024 ?

David Koepp Age in 2024 is 61 years 0 month 21 days old

2. What is the birthday of David Koepp ?

Birthday of David Koepp is 1963-06-09

3. what is the net worth of David Koepp in 2024 ?

David Koepp net worth in 2024 is 35 million

4. what is the height of David Koepp ?

David Koepp height is 1.91 meter

5. what is the nationality of David Koepp ?

David Koepp nationality is US

6. What is the David Koepp occupation ?

David Koepp occupation is screenwriter , actor , television_producer , film_producer , film_director

7. What is the gender of David Koepp ?

Gender of David Koepp is Male

8. Where David Koepp was born?

David Koepp was born in Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA

David Koepp Photo

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