Fred Gwynne

An American actor. Gwynne was best known for his roles in the 1960s sitcoms Car 54, Where Are You? and The Munsters, as well as his later roles in The Cotton Club, Pet Sematary and My Cousin Vinny.

Name Fred Gwynne
Age 97 years 11 month 18 days old
Net Worth 2 million
Height 1.96 meter
Born Place New York City, New York, USA
Nationality US
Birthday 1926-07-10
Death 1993-07-02

Fred Gwynne - FAQ

1. Fred Gwynne Age in 2024 ?

Fred Gwynne Age in 2024 is 97 years 11 month 18 days old

2. What was the birthday of Fred Gwynne ?

Birthday of Fred Gwynne was 1926-07-10

3. what was the net worth of Fred Gwynne in 2024 ?

Fred Gwynne net worth in 2024 is 2 million

4. what was the height of Fred Gwynne ?

Fred Gwynne height was 1.96 meter

5. what was the nationality of Fred Gwynne ?

Fred Gwynne nationality was US

6. What was the Fred Gwynne occupation ?

Fred Gwynne occupation was actor , singer , writer , painter , illustrator

7. What was the gender of Fred Gwynne ?

Gender of Fred Gwynne was Male

8. When Fred Gwynne was Died ?

Fred Gwynne was died on 1993-07-02

9. What was nick name of Fred Gwynne ?

Nick name of Fred Gwynne was Frederick Hubbard Gwynne

10. Where Fred Gwynne was born?

Fred Gwynne was born in New York City, New York, USA

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