Isao Takahata

Isao Takahata (October 29, 1935 - April 5, 2018), co-founder of Studio Ghibli, was one of the most famous directors of Japanese animated films. Unlike most anime directors, he did not draw and never worked as an animator before becoming a director.

For the first two decades of his career from the 1960s to the 1980s, Takahata worked primarily as director for anime television. In 1985 he and his long-time collaborative partner Hayao Miyazaki formed Studio Ghibli with Toshio Suzuki and Yasuyoshi Tokuma. From that point, his career transitioned into producing, directing, and writing films for Studio Ghibli. He is known for his five feature length anime films released under Ghibli, Grave of the Fireflies (1988), Only Yesterday (1991), Pom Poko (1994), My Neighbors the Yamadas (1999) and The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013).

Name Isao Takahata
Age 88 years 8 month 0 days old
Born Place Ujiyamada, Mie prefecture, Japan
Birthday 1935-10-29
Death 2018-04-05

Isao Takahata - FAQ

1. Isao Takahata Age in 2024 ?

Isao Takahata Age in 2024 is 88 years 8 month 0 days old

2. What was the birthday of Isao Takahata ?

Birthday of Isao Takahata was 1935-10-29

3. What was the gender of Isao Takahata ?

Gender of Isao Takahata was Male

4. When Isao Takahata was Died ?

Isao Takahata was died on 2018-04-05

5. What was nick name of Isao Takahata ?

Nick name of Isao Takahata was Такахата Исао,高畑勲,たかはた いさお,Paku-san,타카하타 이사오,高畑勋,高畑勳

6. Where Isao Takahata was born?

Isao Takahata was born in Ujiyamada, Mie prefecture, Japan

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