Ronit Roy

Ronit Roy (born Ronit Bose Roy) is an Indian television and Bollywood actor, known for the roles of Dharamraj Mahiyavanshi, Rishabh Bajaj, Mihir Virani and Aparajit Deb.

Name Ronit Roy
Age 58 years 8 month 7 days old
Born Place Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Birthday 1965-10-11

Ronit Roy - FAQ

1. Ronit Roy Age in 2024 ?

Ronit Roy Age in 2024 is 58 years 8 month 7 days old

2. What is the birthday of Ronit Roy ?

Birthday of Ronit Roy is 1965-10-11

3. What is the gender of Ronit Roy ?

Gender of Ronit Roy is Male

4. What is nick name of Ronit Roy ?

Nick name of Ronit Roy is Ronit Bose Roy

5. Where Ronit Roy was born?

Ronit Roy was born in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Ronit Roy Photo

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