Aziz Ansari

Aziz Ansari (born February 23, 1983) is an American actor, writer, and stand-up comedian. He formerly starred as Tom Haverford on the NBC show Parks and Recreation, and has since gone on to co-create, co-produce, and star in two seasons of the critically acclaimed comedy/drama Netflix series, Master of None.

Name Aziz Ansari
Age 41 years 4 month 5 days old
Net Worth 20 million
Height 1.68 meter
Born Place Columbia, South Carolina, USA
Nationality US
Birthday 1983-02-23

Aziz Ansari - FAQ

1. Aziz Ansari Age in 2024 ?

Aziz Ansari Age in 2024 is 41 years 4 month 5 days old

2. What is the birthday of Aziz Ansari ?

Birthday of Aziz Ansari is 1983-02-23

3. what is the net worth of Aziz Ansari in 2024 ?

Aziz Ansari net worth in 2024 is 20 million

4. what is the height of Aziz Ansari ?

Aziz Ansari height is 1.68 meter

5. what is the nationality of Aziz Ansari ?

Aziz Ansari nationality is US

6. What is the Aziz Ansari occupation ?

Aziz Ansari occupation is comedian , television_producer , actor , screenwriter , voice_actor , stand-up_comedian

7. What is the gender of Aziz Ansari ?

Gender of Aziz Ansari is Male

8. What is nick name of Aziz Ansari ?

Nick name of Aziz Ansari is Αζίζ Ανσάρι

9. Where Aziz Ansari was born?

Aziz Ansari was born in Columbia, South Carolina, USA

Aziz Ansari Photo

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