Jerry Springer

Gerald Norman Springer (February 13, 1944 - April 27, 2023) was an English-American television presenter, politician, news presenter, actor, producer, musician, and former lawyer. He hosted The Jerry Springer Show, a tabloid talk show, between September 30, 1991 and July 26, 2018 and debuted the Jerry Springer Podcast in 2015.

Name Jerry Springer
Age 80 years 4 month 5 days old
Net Worth 60 million
Height 1.83 meter
Born Place Highgate, London, England, UK
Nationality US
Birthday 1944-02-13
Death 2023-04-27

Jerry Springer - FAQ

1. Jerry Springer Age in 2024 ?

Jerry Springer Age in 2024 is 80 years 4 month 5 days old

2. What was the birthday of Jerry Springer ?

Birthday of Jerry Springer was 1944-02-13

3. what was the net worth of Jerry Springer in 2024 ?

Jerry Springer net worth in 2024 is 60 million

4. what was the height of Jerry Springer ?

Jerry Springer height was 1.83 meter

5. what was the nationality of Jerry Springer ?

Jerry Springer nationality was US

6. What was the Jerry Springer occupation ?

Jerry Springer occupation was talk_show_host , singer , politician , presenter , actor , game_show_host , film_producer , tv_personality , television_producer , journalist

7. What was the gender of Jerry Springer ?

Gender of Jerry Springer was Male

8. When Jerry Springer was Died ?

Jerry Springer was died on 2023-04-27

9. What was nick name of Jerry Springer ?

Nick name of Jerry Springer was Gerald Norman Springer

10. Where Jerry Springer was born?

Jerry Springer was born in Highgate, London, England, UK

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