Robert Axelrod

Robert Axelrod, also credited as Axel Roberts and Myron Mensah, was an American actor. He was primarily known for his voice work, which included Digimon, having started voice acting for the English-language versions of anime in 1980; providing the voice of Lord Zedd, the main antagonist of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; and Finster, the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers monster maker. He also portrayed a Paul McCartney look-alike on the popular sitcom Family Matters, and later in his career appeared in several productions by comedy duo Tim & Eric.

Name Robert Axelrod
Age 75 years 1 month 1 days old
Born Place New York City, New York, USA
Birthday 1949-05-29
Death 2019-09-07

Robert Axelrod - FAQ

1. Robert Axelrod Age in 2024 ?

Robert Axelrod Age in 2024 is 75 years 1 month 1 days old

2. What was the birthday of Robert Axelrod ?

Birthday of Robert Axelrod was 1949-05-29

3. What was the gender of Robert Axelrod ?

Gender of Robert Axelrod was Male

4. When Robert Axelrod was Died ?

Robert Axelrod was died on 2019-09-07

5. What was nick name of Robert Axelrod ?

Nick name of Robert Axelrod was Myron Mensah,Myron Mensc,Axel Roberts,Robert Axilrod

6. Where Robert Axelrod was born?

Robert Axelrod was born in New York City, New York, USA

Robert Axelrod Photo

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